11/12 JULY 2019

Event “Luci sul lavoro”
Place of the meeting: “La Fortezza”

On July 12, Diesis hosted the second In4BTE transnational workshop with the participation of more than 30 people. This event took place during the Luci sul Lavoro festival, in which Diesis was actively involved in the organisation.The workshop, entitled Workers buy-out: experiences and secret, gathered representatives from social economy organisations, trade unions and governments who gave valuable insights about workers’ buyout processes.

Throughout the day, participants discussed about how Information, consultation and participation rights can lead to successful business transfer to employees in SMEs. In that regard, participants shared their experience and knowledge on several topics related to the In4BTE objectives.

The workshop focused on business transfer to employees as an instrument to overcome business crisis and the lack of business succession. The first session presented companies regenerated by workers, the role of cooperation, the role of the unions and business succession. The second panel put into perspective experiences, supports and policies in order to strengthen the economic democracy through orking buy-out.
